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Using the Bitbucket API

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This article was originally posted on Rewind’s Blog

As your team grows, you may need to modify how you use Git to collaborate with team members. For instance, you might set up custom rules and a workflow for your repository and limit the users who can access it. You can automate these types of tasks using the Bitbucket API.

This article will demonstrate how to use Bitbucket to set up authentication, manage users and teams, create working repos, and use webhooks. You’ll also learn how BackHub, now known as Rewind, can help you back up your GitHub repository.

What Is Bitbucket?

Bitbucket is a Git repository management solution designed for professional teams. It hosts your local Git repositories and allows you to collaborate with other team members. Here are some other features:

  • Access Control: You can set repository permissions, allowing only certain people to read or write in the repo.
  • Workflow Control: You can allow only certain people to approve pull requests (PRs) or merge to master.
  • Jira Integration: You can link your Jira tasks to your PRs, automatically close your tasks once the PR is merged, and track the status of your PR (in-progress, approved, or merged).

To learn more about what Bitbucket offers, check here.

Using Bitbucket

There are two versions of the Bitbucket API. Version 1.0 was deprecated in June 2018. For this tutorial, you’ll be using version 2.0. You can find more information on that version here.


Before you begin, make sure you have the prerequisites.

  1. Use JavaScript for the code.
  2. Install Node.js, which you can download here.
  3. Use the ExpressJS Framework to build a server. You don’t necessarily need previous experience with Express, but it is helpful.
  4. Be familiar with Git concepts.
  5. Sign up for a Bitbucket account here.

Authenticating and Security

There are several methods you can use to authenticate yourself.


All the Bitbucket API endpoints require a scope to be passed. A scope is a string passed while making a request or during authentication. It applies privileges to the request. By default a scope provides read-only permission, so you will have to append :write to provide write permissions. Some scopes also have admin permissions, which can be added by appending :admin. You don’t need to add both read and write permissions; write permission gives you read permission as well.

Here are some of the available scopes:


A repository scope lets you access the source code repo, download files, view the wiki, or view issues raised for the repository, among other actions. You will need write permission to fork repos or push code to the repo.

There is a separate admin scope, repository:admin, which doesn’t include read/write scopes. An admin scope will allow you to view or edit repo permissions, wikis, reviewers, and webhooks. It will also let you delete the repo.


A snippet scope will let you view/create snippets. To edit or delete existing snippets, you will need a scope of snippet:write.


A webhooks scope will let you view, edit, and create webhooks. There is no :write scope for webhooks.


An issue scope will let you view, create, watch, and vote on issues. To delete existing issues, you will need an issue:write scope.

There are other scopes related to pull requests, pipelines, accounts, and wiki. You can find more information here.

Be sure to only add the scopes for your add-on needs.

The other scopes supported by an API are listed here.

Basic Auth

For this type of authentication, you need a username and password. You can find your username here.

Create an app password here.

Create app password

Now add the necessary scopes and permissions for the password.

Add app password

You can add the highest permissions for this tutorial. Depending on your use case, you could create individual passwords and adjust the scopes as needed.

Click on the Create button and copy the password. The password is only displayed once, so don’t forget to copy it.

You will store your credentials in an .env file. You can create environment variables as well.

  1. Create a file named .env.
  3. Replace the above with your credentials.
  4. Install the dotenv package: npm install dotenv
  5. Add the following code to read the credentials:
const USER_NAME = process.env.USER_NAME; 
const PASSWORD = process.env.PASSWORD;

This code should be present in the file where you make the request to the API. You can also import through other files if needed.

  1. Install request and base64 to make the request to the API endpoint. npm install request base-64
  2. Make a sample request to the user endpoint. This will return the information of the current logged-in user.
const request = require('request'); 
const base64 = require('base-64'); 
const URL_PREFIX = 'https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0'; 
const headers = { Authorization: 'Basic ' + base64.encode(USER_NAME + ':' + PASSWORD) }; request.get( `${URL_PREFIX}/user`, { headers: headers }, 
        (err, res, body) => { 
        } );

Once you have all the code in place, you can run the file. If your JavaScript file is named index.js, type the following in the terminal:

node index.js

The request returns an object. If the request is successful, the object should contain a key status with the value 200.

Sample request


The process changes when you use the OAuth 2.0 protocol.

  1. Create a workspace.
Repositories screen
  1. Click on Settings.
  2. Click on OAuth consumers > Add consumer.
OAuth consumers
  1. You will need a callback URL. If you don’t have one, use the following: https://httpbin.org/anything
  2. After you create a consumer, save the key.
  3. You will need to redirect the user to the following URL: https://bitbucket.org/site/oauth2/authorize?client_id= {client_id}&response_type=code

Replace client_id with the key you saved earlier. You should see the following screen:

OAuth grant access
  1. After you click Grant access, an object with the access code will be returned.
  2. Exchange the access code for an access token:
request.post( { 
  url: 'https://bitbucket.org/site/oauth2/access_token', 
  headers: { 
             Authorization: 'Basic ' + base64.encode(key + ':' + secret), 
             'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, 
             form: { grant_type: 'authorization_code', code: code } 
  (err, res, body) => { console.log(JSON.parse(body).access_token); } );

Replace the key with your key, the secret with your secret, and the code with your access code.

  1. The access token can be used to make requests:
request.get( `${URL_PREFIX}/user`, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${access_token}` } },    
           (err,res,body)=>{ console.log(JSON.parse(body)) } )


A webhook is a reverse API. Instead of making requests to an API, the API makes requests to your server when certain events are triggered. For example, when a user makes a commit to a repo on Bitbucket, a request containing the user and commit info is made to your server.

This image shows a sample webhook workflow:

Webhook workflow

To get a list of webhooks supported by Bitbucket, make a GET request:


type can be workspace, user, team, or repository. The request will return all the available webhook requests you can create.

Creating a Webhook in Bitbucket

Go to your repository.

Repository page

Click on Repository Settings.

Next, click on Webhooks.

Webhooks add

Click on Add Webhook and you should see the following page:

Add new webhook

Select the list of triggers.

The URL must be HTTPS and not your localhost URL. For a quick solution, use expose.sh to get a temporary live, public URL.

In the above webhook, Push is selected as a trigger. When code is pushed to the repo, a request will be made to https://mydomain.com/receive_webhook.

Common API Tasks

Ensure you have set the correct scope/permission. All the below examples will be using basic authentication.

The API requests to /teams and users/, except /users/{selected_user}, have been deprecated. But you can make requests to /workspaces and repositories to work with users and teams.

Pass the following query parameters to the endpoints:

q - query string to filter repos
sort - to sort repos

List Your Workspaces

        headers:  headers
    (err, res, body) => {
            workspace  => {

This will list all the workspace names and their universally unique identifiers (UUIDs).

List Your Repos

The below code prints the UUID of your repos.

        headers:  headers
    (err, res, body) => {
        JSON.parse(body).values.map(repo=>  console.log(repo.uuid))

Learn more about repos here.

Create a Repo

To create a repo, you will need the workspace name (slug). You can also replace it with the workspace ID. The workspace ID must be inside curly brackets ({ }).

    const  workspaceSlug  =  'testworkspaceapi';
    const  repoSlug  =  'newtestrepo';
        headers:  headers,
        form: {}
    (err, res, body) => {

Below is a screenshot of the new repo:

New repo

If you have the workspace slug and the repo slug, you can make a GET request and get information about the repo. To learn more about the data you can pass while making the POST request, read here.

Get a List of Users and Roles

The below prints the users’ names and their roles in a workspace.

const  workspaceSlug  =  'testworkspaceapi';
        url:  `${URL_PREFIX}/workspaces/${workspaceSlug}/permissions`,
        headers:  headers,
    (err, res, body) => {
            permission  => {

You can also add /repositories or /repositories/{repository slug} to the endpoint to get a repository’s users. Learn more about doing that here.

Create a Project

Use this to create a new project:

const  workspaceSlug  =  'testworkspaceapi';
        url:  `${URL_PREFIX}/workspaces/${workspaceSlug}/projects`,
        headers:  headers,
        form: {
            "name":  "Test Project",
            "key":  "API_TEST_11",
            "description":  "This is a sample project created using the API"
    (err, res, body) => {

It should look like this:

New project

You can also manage commits, pull requests, issues, and other tasks. Check the documentation for details about the other endpoints.

Backing Up Your Repository

You might want backups of your source code. Although Bitbucket has its benefits, there are situations in which you could lose your data:

  • Your account is deleted.
  • The history of a repository is changed with git-reset or git-rebase, causing a forced push and data loss.
  • A project is accidentally deleted from Bitbucket.

A backup keeps your source code secure and reduces the chances of downtime.

To help you create backups, Rewind will soon be available at Bitbucket.

Rewind, formerly known as BackHub, quickly automates your backup process. It saves your repository and metadata daily. If needed, you can also download a repository or restore a lost repository back to GitHub.

You can apply for early access to Rewind for Bitbucket here.


Bitbucket can be an essential tool to automate authentication, integration, and other tasks for your GitHub repository. The API helps you streamline your workflow and maintain high-quality code.

To further improve your workflow, consider Rewind for Bitbucket. With Rewind, you won’t have to worry about losing your repository or metadata, and you’ll have a daily backup available whenever you need it.